Premium Decorative Ribbon, 10m roll - Crushed Velvet


Is there anything less joyful than having to buy ribbon by the meter? Worse, is buying 3m of ribbon for £3.99 in the haberdashery section of a department store and wrapping 1.5 presents with it. 

So, to remedy one of life's little miseries we are offering a generous 20m (that's a lot of ribbon) of luxurious crushed velvet ribbon, a great choice for a winter occasion or more flamboyant gift wrapping. 

Choosing Keeping adds a few novelty choices to our basic assortment for other holiday and decorative purposes.

Rolls are sold separately, please select your preferred colour from the dropdown

Colours from left to right: Copper Green, Cerulean Blue, Russet Brown, Apple Love Rose, Jasper Red.

Size: 16mm x 10m
Made in Switzerland