Traditional Japanese Floral Incense


From Japan, this beautiful box of 24 cones of floral incense capture the perfume of violet, chrysanthemum, wisteria, plum, cherry, iris, rose, jonquil, sandalwood, maple, lotus and pine. Incense came to Japan with Buddhism, in its original form as pieces of fragrant wood for ritual for purification. Tastes of sweetness, bitterness, sourness, hot spice, sourness and salt comprise the language of Kodo or The way of Incense. Sensuality, harmony, healing are some of the many benefits from incense ceremonial. 

Used ceremonially or not, this assortment of incense was handmade in Kyoto traditionally, since 1834-  and packaged in this very charming vintage box with illustrated guide. 

24 cones (2 each in 12 botanical frangrances)
Handmade in Kyoto, Japan